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Our program is focused on treating complex addiction and mental health issues faced by young adults, Call now 866-957-4961.

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Intensive Family Program • Innovative Experiential Therapy • 12-Step Program Focus

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Start The Journey Towards Recovery

If you are or your loved one is struggling with unresolved emotional trauma, addiction, have a dual diagnosis or have failed past treatment, we can help. At The Claudia Black Young Adult Center, we guide young adults through recovery by examining the root causes of their disorders. Please fill out the form or call the number below for more information on how we can help.

Showing posts with label trauma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trauma. Show all posts


Trauma Can Lead to Eating Disorders

Addiction TreatmentHeather was raped when was she was a young adult. Her feelings of fear, rage, and powerlessness that followed became overwhelming and unmanageable. Initially, the stress she felt robbed her of her appetite; but, eventually, she began restricting her eating by choice. It gave her a sense of power over her body.

In recent years, it has become more and more apparent to researchers that people like Heather who struggle with eating disorders often also experienced trauma related to abuse. When someone experiences neglect, and/or physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, they are frequently left feeling helpless and out of control.

Survivors of trauma may develop an eating disorder as a method of coping with those feelings of helplessness, and the severe anxiety and conflicting emotions that often come with them. They may adapt unhealthy eating behaviors because food intake is something they can control and the focus on food rituals helps them to mask their emotional pain.

Trauma is by far not the only factor in the development of eating disorders—personality and temperament, perfectionism, cultural and peer pressures, family expectations, and genetic and neurological factors can also contribute to the disorder—however, it is a very common one. In order for an individual to achieve long-term recovery from an eating disorder, they must address not only their unhealthy eating and body image issues but also their underlying emotional trauma.

How Does Trauma Trigger Eating Disorders?

There is so much that scientists and researchers still don’t know about the way our minds and bodies are connected. What we do know, thanks to researchers and clinicians like Dr. Peter Levine (who is also a Senior Fellow at The Meadows) is that trauma is held within the body. It cannot be released through intellectual processing alone.

Dr. Levine’s insights are based on the idea that the methods in which we, as humans, subconsciously react to threats aren’t all that different from the ways in which our fellow mammals in the wild react to threats. When animals are presented with a dangerous situation, their brains and bodies automatically produce a survival response of fight, flight, or freeze. Once the threat is gone, they release all of their survival energy through their bodies—often by shivering, sweating, crying, or yawning. Once they have released all of the pent-up energy, they resume their normal activities.

Human beings are missing the crucial, final “release” step in their fight, flight, and freeze responses. Once we experience a survival response, the energy can get “trapped” in our bodies, leading to the development of chronic disorders such as anxiety disorder, depression, and PTSD. It can also lead to the development of disordered coping mechanisms, which is what often happens with addiction and eating disorders.

Not only can the trapped energy from trauma trigger the eating disorder, it can also make recovery from the eating disorder very difficult. If the energy from the trauma is not addressed and released during the course of treatment, relapse is much more likely.

Those at high risk for eating disorders because of trauma include victims of sexual abuse, particularly those who suffered at a younger age; victims or observers of domestic violence; and, those who suffer from PTSD.

Treatment for Trauma and Eating Disorders

Successful treatment for eating disorders and trauma requires a multi-disciplinary, integrated approach. Talk therapies, including group and individual counseling sessions, are important, as are coping skills training and nutritional counseling However, since trauma lives in the body as much as in the mind, it’s important to also incorporate body-based therapies including Somatic Experiencing® (SE), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Yoga.

Somatic Experiencing® (SE)

Somatic experiencing is a body-awareness technique that was developed by Dr. Peter Levine. It was first introduced in his book, Waking the Tiger. With the help of a therapist, patients explore sensations in their bodies as they work to identify and regulate feelings of distress.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

In an EMDR session, a therapist uses external stimuli, like eye movements, tones or taps, to help the patient develop new insights or associations with their memories, triggers, and traumatic experiences. For example, the patient may be asked to focus on a particular memory or bodily sensation while simultaneously moving their eyes back and forth, following the therapist’s fingers as they move across the patient’s field of vision.

Yoga and Meditation

A number of mind-body therapies can aid in stress management, boost mood, and help release trauma from the body. Trauma-sensitive meditation, acupuncture, yoga, and breath work are a few examples of techniques that can be helpful in treating eating disorders and trauma as part of a larger, integrated treatment program.

If you or someone you love is struggling to maintain recovery from anorexia or bulimia, they may be experiencing underlying trauma that needs to be addressed through treatment. Remuda Ranch at The Meadows conducts a thorough assessment of all patients to help determine what, if any, trauma or co-occurring conditions might be making recovery especially difficult for them. We then develop a personalized treatment plan to help ensure progress in recovery. For more information about our programs call our intake staff at 866-390-5100 or send us an email.


U.S. Surgeon General Issues a Call to Action on Addiction

 U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s release of Facing Addiction in America: The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health at yesterday’s Facing Addiction Summit was an unprecedented moment in our country’s fight against addiction and substance misuse. It is the first time in history that a U.S. surgeon general has issued a report focused on drug and alcohol addiction. The report comes at a time when more and more Americans are struggling with the effects of addiction to opioids and heroin. One person dies every 19 minutes from an opioid or heroin overdose. And, the statistics related to other addictions are no less grim. One in seven people in the United States will face a substance misuse disorder, and only 10 percent will get the treatment they need to overcome it.
Shame and stigma are typically major factors in preventing people from reaching out for help and finding treatment. That’s why it was especially encouraging to see Surgeon General Murthy make it clear that addiction is a brain disease and not a sign of depravity:

“We have to recognize (addiction) isn't evidence of a character flaw or a moral failing,” Murthy told USA Today. “It’s a chronic disease of the brain that deserves the same compassion that any other chronic illness does, like diabetes or heart disease.”

Treating Addiction as a Brain Disease

At The Meadows, addressing the neurological aspects of addiction alongside the social and spiritual aspects has always been a top priority. The Meadows Senior Fellow Dr. Shelley Uram often says that our approach includes both “Bottom Up” and “Top Down” therapies. To put it in the simplest of terms, the way your brain has been primed to respond to emotional triggers through your childhood experiences has an impact on the development of addictions and other behavioral health disorders.

Automatic emotional responses (fear, anger, disgust, etc.,) are deeply embedded in your limbic brain—the “bottom” part of your brain—which operates subconsciously.

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Abusive Prescribed medicine…who thought?

You either have common cold or cancer, you always rely on medicines. Medicines have become your basic requirement. Prescribed medicine is the most common way to treat pain. But many times it must have happened that you depend so much on that, you are unable to let it go.It becomes dependency and then a bad habit resulting into the destruction of physical and mental health. The consequences of prescription medicine abuse have been steadily worsening and young adults between the ages of 15 and 27 are broadening the abuse of prescription medicine. 

Following are the abuse symptoms vary based on the class of drug:

Sedative abuse symptoms include:

  • Drowsy, intoxicated appearance
  • Confusion
  • Unsteady movements
  • Rapid, involuntary eye movement
  • Poor judgment and decision-making

Stimulant abuse symptoms include:

  • Extreme agitation
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • High blood pressure
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Seizures  
  • Heart failure
  • Increased hostility
  • Paranoia
  • Insomnia
  • Weight loss

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Eliminate Your Fears and Doubts about Drug Addiction

Have you ever had any kind of addiction, say drug addiction or alcohol or smoking habit? Ever thought how badly it could affect you and your family. You must think initially it seems cool but slowly and gradually it has dominated your daily routine. Habits and addictions should be something that you should be proud of, that you could off to people, not something that leaves you embarrassed in front of people. Few below mentioned are the addictions that could prove harmful to your mental peace as well as emotional peace:
  1. Alcohol addiction
  2. Drug addiction
  3. Gaming addiction
  4. Prescription medicine abuse
  5. Codependency
  6. Trauma
  7. Disorder and depression
Claudia Black Young adult center is an Addiction Treatment Center In Arizona that helps you overcome any kind of addiction that has dominated your lives. It is spread across 14 acres 50 miles northwest of Phoenix, Wickenburg, Arizona. It is perfect place for recovery due to its landscape and view. Here, we have various kinds of therapies and treatments like:
Equine Therapy : Here we teach patients following things:
  • How to communicate with someone and interact with them with confidence.
  • How to overcome your emotion and do not let the dominate you. 
  • How to be more positive about various things in life and how to keep hope.
  • How to solve the problem rather that complaining about it.
Experiential Therapy : Our this therapy includes:
  • Acupuncture to ease pain and relieve stress
  • Mindful meditation for non-judgmental experience 
  • Tai Chi and Yoga helps reduce stress and healing the mind and spirit.
Expressive Arts Therapy : This is the therapy where we teach young adults to express themselves through art and images rather than other traditional therapies.

Family Week Program : Family week program happens at 4th or 5th week of patient stay where family members are get together and counseling session is organized.

Small Group Sessions : Our small group session includes following :
    • How to create long-term friendships and how to maintain them for lifetime
    • Improves self-awareness…keeping own self-aware about physical and mental status 
    • Highlights the need for change which is must to keep up with the society.
      It’s just one time investment and return for life.


      Build Better Relationships by Developing Your Erotic Intelligence

      Our sexual identity matures over time, as do our political, cultural, and aesthetic selves. In all these areas, maturation demands attention and learning from mistakes. The deep consciousness and refined technique attained in any field can develop tools applicable to sexuality.

      But unfortunately, the credits don't always transfer. So we see many brilliant artists, athletes and politicians utterly undone by sex and relationships.

      And many young adults who aspire to sexual maturity before their time dress to impress, assume the postures of popular culture, and mistake the playbook for the event.

      Further, while age and experience are key elements of maturation, there certainly are oldsters as immature as any teen. So at no social stage can the attainment of erotic intelligence be faked.

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