Confused aboutsurroundings : A person becomes confused about his surroundings. He doesn't know what is going on because he is subconscious all the time.
Intoxicated appearances: When a person hashabit of intake of drugs, he always looks messy. He has no time to clean up well. He won’t like to keep himselfgood because he doesn’t care about anyone but his drugs.
The difficulty with memory: A person with prescribed drug abuse could have a hard time remembering important things. He could also forget to do his daily routine stuff. This could adversely affect his physical, emotional, social and mental self.
Insomnia: Drugs could easily affectsleep pattern of a person. It generally makes a person restless and lazy that a person could have difficulty with the sleep. Also, this would make a person tired affecting his physical self with diseases like cardiac arrest, diarrhea, heart palpitation,etc
Depression: When a human becomes victim of drugs, he fails to perform a basic task. His mood swings make it difficult to maintain relation with others. He hurtsother as well as his own self. This makes him feel guilty when his drug dose-effect drains down. He feels bad about himself and depression hits him at its peak. Depression enables him to have more dosage of drugs and his deterioration starts.
Alcohol addiction: As it is said one addiction leads to another, prescribeddrugs abuse leads to smoking or alcohol consumption. Two addictions at a time are even more dangerous.Drugs abuse damages mind and mood swings, alcohol damages liver and other body parts.